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Announcing: How Manly!

Screen Shot of the How Manly homepageIt’s with great pleasure that I announce the launch of my blog: How Manly! The goal of How Manly is to shine a critical light on masculinity in the media and other parts of our culture, but mostly in the media (video games, TV, movies, advertising, etc). As the creator of How Manly, I’ll be the primary writer, however I plan to include guest posts from thoughtful friends, colleagues, and if I get lucky a few regular contributors as well.

The blog’s address is HowManly.com so it should be easy to find, but I’ve also included a link to it in my navigation menu so you can find the site any time.  [edit: HowManly.com is now defunct. I did republish some of my top posts here however].

I look forward to your participation and feedback (please comment on posts, subscribe to receive email updates and give me general feedback in other ways as well)!


Duane de Four