Some of the feedback I’ve received…
Duane de Four is one of the most gifted facilitators and educators I’ve ever worked with. His command of his field, alongside his impeccable presentation style, make him a force in front of an audience. Duane has an ease about him that draws people out and helps them truly engage with the material he presents in a way few educators are able to do. You walk away from his lectures, workshops, or trainings feeling genuinely connected to the content and the presenter, in a way that leaves you feeling hungry for more.
– Kate McCarthy, Associate Dean and Sr. Director of Student Support, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Duane is a skilled presenter and showed this in his ability to read his audience and evoke emotion from our student athletes on the sensitive topic of sexual consent. We asked that he collaborate with a team of female staff from our wellness center and I was impressed by his capacity to share the floor and promote gender equality. Our student athletes responded to his presentation style and we will have him back.
– Dr. Jonathan Ravarino, Director of Psychology & Wellness, University of Utah Dept. of Athletics
Thank you so much for bringing your powerful message to Arkansas State University. We really appreciated your humor, your profound words, and the good work you are doing to end rape and sexual violence nationwide.
– Dr. Cherisse Jones-Branch, Professor, Arkansas State University
Duane came to Nairobi to do a 3 day training with over 35 male instructors of No Means No Worldwide. New country, new culture and Duane was flawless in his ability to deepen our instructors understanding of a new curriculum in preparation for a large RCT (Randomized Control Trial) we are now conducting for DfID (UK’s Department for International Development) in Kenya.
– Lee Paiva, Founder, No Mean No Worldwide
I have known Duane de Four to be an advocate of, and educator on, social justice issues for more than a decade. His passion for justice is matched by his skill as a facilitator in leading group discussion and training on issues of social justice. He brings an affable, approachable manner to his work that allows people to open up and have meaningful conversation about some of our cultures most sensitive issues. Duane is someone I count on to help deliver our trainings to athletes, adult professionals and the military.
– Jeff O’Brien, Vice President, Institute for Sport and Social Justice
I was in attendance for the Sexual Assault Bystander Intervention Training this past week at Lackland Air Force Base. I just wanted to thank you for you and your co-facilitators amazing job on the training and presentation of it. I am honestly revved up about implementing the training back at my base. I particularly enjoyed your presentation on the Men’s Module. I felt that you created a positive, real environment where everyone felt comfortable in the engaging conversation. Thank you again.
– Staff Sergeant Starla Olson, United States Air Force
Duane’s knowledge about sexual violence prevention and his ability to truly connect with an audience makes his workshops engaging and transformative. He is able to tailor his workshops to each institution and each audience member, allowing everyone to come away from the workshop with new skills to prevent future violence. We have brought Duane to our campus several times and would love to have him back in the future.
-Shelby Statham, Former New College Student Alliance President, SAAM organizer, InterACT member
Duane de Four’s Healthy Relationships session was engaging and enlightening. This program is a great introductory session to building a concise understanding about intimate partner violence. The issues of partner violence that de Four touched on, allowed students to use their language to characterize the healthy and unhealthy features of intimate relationships. Through de Four compartmentalizing three major components of an intimate relationship (verbal, emotional/mental and physical) he created space for students to think personally about their relationships and how they treat people and how they are treated. At such programs as this, an advocate should always be present and available to meet with students following the program to discuss concerns they may have. Such a program can be a great encouragement for students to seek help if they or someone that they may know is in an abusive relationship.
– Starsheemar Byrum, Coordinator of Women’s Center, Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) & the Intercultural Center, Eastern Connecticut State University
Duane has served as an outstanding presenter of some of our company’s programs. His deep knowledge base on violence prevention coupled with his passion for the issue and easy-going charm allows him to powerfully reach audiences typically less open to hearing these important messages. We are proud to call him an ally.
– Christian Murphy, Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder, Catharsis Productions
Duane de Four’s talk was engaging and revealing of the sexist and misogynistic trends in today’s advertising. The audience members were encouraged to be active participants and think critically about the images we are presented with. The compilation of ads was well-made and particularly striking in its confrontation of these themes. Thank you for your important message!
– Catherine McCarthy, Former President, Brown University Sexual Assault Task Force
Duane de Four is an exceptional facilitator and orator whose professional demeanor and command of the classroom is without equal. Duane was one of only six Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) selected to train and prepare Air Force Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs) to educate over 600,000 Air Force personnel during the force-wide implementation of a Sexual Assault Bystander Intervention strategy (to be completed by June 2011). Duane’s extraordinary passion for teaching, facilitating dialogue and developing realistic strategies that will eliminate sexual violence against women in the Air Force was impressive.
– Darthy JP Johnson, MBA, LtCol, USAF-Retired, Senior Project Manager, Sage Horizons, Inc
Duane brings an intellect and resourcefulness to the Foundation Year program that allows him to interact easily with both students and faculty. In this pilot year, Duane has taught courses in Sociology, Personal Leadership and Career Development, and the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Program. His commitment to the academic and social goals of Foundation Year, his quick wit, and his rich background make Duane an invaluable member of the Foundation Year faculty. On his own or as a member of a team, Duane creates dynamic learning environments.
– Molly Dugan, Ph.D., Director, Northeastern University Foundation Year.
I was struck by how skilled you were at facilitating the learning of a diverse group of young men from several very distinct cultural backgrounds, all of whom are still developing their understanding of cultural norms and expectations in this country.
– Ben Clark, Executive Director, Enroot
Duane is a compassionate, inspiring, well spoken educator on the continuum of violence. He fosters growth by encouraging individuals to converse openly about society’s dirtiest little secret. Not only is he an amazing educator but an amazing person!
– Lisa A. Ulcickas, Former Victim Advocate, University of New Hampshire Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention Program (SHARPP)
Duane de Four is a client’s dream come true! His ability to listen to client needs, provide strategic input and then execute and deliver an outstanding final product is a true talent. I have been privileged to work with Duane in a variety of capacities; not only has he provided training for at-risk youth that I work with, but he has also been instrumental in assisting to strategically elevate the recruitment, development and marketing tactics for a key Boston non-profit organization who’s Board of Directors I serve on. I would highly recommend Duane for any educational or marketing needs that you may have.
– Christyanna Egun, M.A., Director of Boston Partnerships, Massachusetts General Hospital
I wanted to send my sincere thanks for your participation in Massachusetts Steps Up. Your participation and perspective on the Alcohol, Consent and Accountability panel helped inform the engagement, discussion and, I hope, challenged folks to look more broadly at the work at hand! Pushing the “who is at the table” conversation is critical and you do it so well… The feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive… Your leadership and participation in the training helped clarify the complexity and care needed to address these issues successfully… It would not have been such a resounding success without your expertise and participation.
– Sheridan Haines, Senior Associate at Center for Social Innovation (& Former ED, MA Governor’s Council to Address Sexual and Domestic Violence)
If I’ve worked with your organization and you’d like to add your own testimonial, please visit the CONTACT page to submit your feedback today.